Author | 黃婉萍 Estella Wong | | |
Affiliation | The Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts, Hong Kong |
Article Language | English |
APA Citation
Wong, E. (2021). Some reflective notes on directing the online auto-ethnotheatre see you zoom – an account of the lives of Hongkongers in the dramatic 2020. The Journal of Drama and Theatre Education in Asia, 10, 35-55.
This article accounts the director’s reflection on the creating and performing of the auto-ethnotheatre See You Zoom series (February-October 2020), through the video-conferencing software Zoom during the staying home period due to COVID-19. Driven by an urge to connect community people under the cumulative impact of the social unrest and the pandemic since mid-2019, the director started this creative journey, encountered challenges, and gained insights of devising, rehearsing and staging auto-ethnotheatre entirely through Zoom. Three aspects of online theatre-making were reflected: (i) working with actors without their physical presence (ii) playing with the public and private spaces, and (iii) managing the engagement of Zoom participatory-audience.