Tag: Globalisation

Entangled Identities: Drama as a Method of Inquiry|DaTEAsia Vol. 4

TEFO Resource Hub, TEFO Publications, Journal of Drama and Theatre Education in Asia (DaTEAsia), Applied Theatre Forms, Applied Theatre Theory, Process Theatre, Applied Theatre Research|

This paper tells the story of using process drama to “create spaces to encourage multicultural conversations” in response to the “ever increasing globalisation of education”. A little over ten years ago Ackroyd and Pilkington redesigned and implemented a drama work, the purpose of which was to provide a drama for children to challenge essentialist assumptions and actively construct their own identities in the UK. Following the work of Ackroyd and Pilkington, the purpose of this study was to use drama as method to generate data through exploring and listening to children in a postcolonial situation. I tell this methodological story drawing on Clandinin and Connelly’s three dimensional inquiry space as a framework and weaving the children’s small stories throughout as they travelled with me; in and out of a fictive world.

‘Being in the State of Crossing’: Drama Education and Transnational Space|DaTEAsia Vol. 1

Journal of Drama and Theatre Education in Asia (DaTEAsia), Theatre-in-Education (TiE), Applied Theatre Research|

One of the results of globalisation is that increasing numbers of students from different cultural and linguistic backgrounds come together to learn in one space. This article theorises an ethical approach to this challenge for drama educators, drawing principally on theories of transnational fiction (Stephen Clingman)(1), cosmopolitan ethics (Kwame Anthony Appiah)(2) and cultural understandings of space (Doreen Massey)(3). The central metaphor of drama as a means for ‘navigating boundaries’, it argues, is more politically apt if less ‘sexy’ than Giroux’s more commonly cited metaphor of ‘border crossing’. The relationship between this theory and an ethical drama praxis is illustrated by examples drawn from work carried out by two Asian postgraduate students currently studying at the University of Warwick.

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