Archiving and reporting on the arts is just as important as the execution of artistic practice by itself.
The archival and recording of theatrical work may not be a part of creating the actual work, but it makes sure that theatrical happenings live beyond their ephemerality.
Careful recording and detailed reflections are extensions of the creative process behind any performance, educational program or workshop, and can become valuable learning resources for the entire field.
At TEFO, we’ve always been thinking about how to fulfill our responsibility to develop ourselves as a networking and consulting organization for other practitioners in this field, and we hope that the principle of “Shared Knowledge” can continue carrying us forward in this work.
Thus, we are continually working to strengthen our online database’s ability to gather, organize and preserve applied theatre practice here in Hong Kong, so that our field’s research, records and archives can inspire present and future generations of applied theatre practitioners.
Please note that our English database is still under construction, and there may not be as much content as our Chinese database. For more resources, please visit the Chinese version of our website.
Motivation and Second Language Learning: How Stanislavski’s System Motivates Learning as a Motivational Teaching Practice in Chinese Narrative Writing as a Second Language (Chinese) | DaTEAsia Vol. 9
This paper examines how drama works as a motivational teaching practice and how it enhances students’ learning motivation. Data is collected from eight students, an observer and the teacher-as researcher through action-based research. All sorts of research data sets are triangulated for enhancing the reliability of the study. Interviews of the participants and researcher’s reflective journals are analysed according to the Motivated Strategies for learning (Pintrich et al., 1991) and the Model of Motivational teaching practice (Dörnyei, 2001). The findings show that drama is an effective motivational teaching practice of Chinese narrative writing as a second language for non-Chinese speaking students, and at the same time it also increases students’ learning motivation in terms of self-efficacy, extrinsic goal orientation, intrinsic goal orientation, task value and diminishes learning anxiety.
The Development of Drama Education in the Early Childhood Program in Malaysia: Embarked from the Life History of three Malaysian Chinese Drama Teachers (Chinese)|DaTEAsia Vol. 9
Drama education from the West has been developed in Taiwan and Hong Kong for many years. It has been introduced into Malaysian schools through Taiwan by Malaysian Chinese for 20 years. The study in the paper analyzes the drama-learning processes of three Malaysian Chinese kindergarten drama teachers. In examining the individual personal histories, the paper aims to review the development of drama education in early childhood education in Malaysia. Through interviews and the analysis of teaching plans and classroom observations, the research finds that three teachers’ early encounters with drama were somewhat related to the Chinese culture or school drama events. With their own personal interests, followed by informal or formal training and the need of their professional development, these three teachers have developed their own teaching styles. All of the three played crucial roles in the advancement of drama education in Malaysia. With the initiative of the new national ECE (Early Childhood Education) curriculum, there are needs to combine resources from different sectors, to promote dialogues among drama teachers or artists, or to make reference to curriculum models in ECE teacher-training programs in other Asian countries. These are necessary effects for solving problems encountered in the kindergartens and teacher training institutions.
The Integration of Drama Education in the Subject of Modern Greek Language in Greek Primary Education|DaTEAsia Vol. 8
The use of dramatic conventions for educational purposes has a long history. However, in the Greek educational system it is only during the last decade that a clear-cut effort has been actually made to incorporate dramatic methods into the teaching of various subjects and in particular into the subject of language. The present study examines ways and approaches of incorporating dramatic methods into the subject of language in the elementary education in Greece.
Drama as Pedagogy for English Language Education in Neoliberalist Hong Kong: Reflections from Students’ Learning English Through Drama|DaTEAsia Vol. 8
The authors have observed from related literature and their own front-line English teaching experiences that neoliberalism is posing adverse effects on English language Education (ELE), affecting English teaching and learning at the classroom level in Hong Kong. To address the adverse neoliberalist influence on ELE, this paper examines the relations between drama pedagogy and ELE in Hong Kong. It discusses findings from students’ experiences with learning English through drama as delivered by their teachers who experienced the drama pedagogy for the first time through an in-service teacher development programme organised by Hong Kong Arts School (HKAS, 2016). The discussion is informed by the Freirean notion of critical pedagogy and drama as “relational pedagogy”. At the end of the paper, the authors reflect on the possibilities of a dialogical and humanising approach to ELE for drama practitioners, English teachers and educators in Hong Kong.
Japanese Students Re-engaging in English through Dramatised Digital Storytelling|DaTEAsia Vol. 8
Through the deconstruction of a collaboratively constructed srudent-devised dramatised digital story, this article examines how a group of Japanese university students engaged in their English language learning in a meaningful and creative way. The digital story was an outcome of a three-week intensive elective that drew on process drama and digital storytelling to foster and develop srudents’ applications of English language. The article provides the contextual background and the authors’ research of the intensive course. Later, a detailed description of the digital story with analysis through a multimodal framework will be discussed thoroughly.
Drama as Pedagogy for English Language Education in Neoliberalist Hong Kong: Reflections from Students’ Learning English Through Drama|Vol. 8
The authors have observed from related literature and their own front-line English teaching experiences that neoliberalism is posing adverse effects on English language Education (ELE), affecting English teaching and learning at the classroom level in Hong Kong. To address the adverse neoliberalist influence on ELE, this paper examines the relations between drama pedagogy and ELE in Hong Kong. It discusses findings from students’ experiences with learning English through drama as delivered by their teachers who experienced the drama pedagogy for the first time through an in-service teacher development programme organised by Hong Kong Arts School (HKAS, 2016). The discussion is informed by the Freirean notion of critical pedagogy and drama as “relational pedagogy”. At the end of the paper, the authors reflect on the possibilities of a dialogical and humanising approach to ELE for drama practitioners, English teachers and educators in Hong Kong.