Call for Submissions to
The Journal of Drama and Theatre Education in Asia (DaTEAsia)
IDEA Congress 2024 Special Issue
The Call. DaTEAsia welcomes submissions for a special issue to mark the 10th IDEA (International Drama/Theatre and Education Association) World Congress. The aspirational Congress theme of “A Harmonious World” can be interpreted broadly. Congress participants—both in-person and on-line—are encouraged to submit, as are IDEA members across the globe. Academic articles, practitioner pieces and congress reflections are all acceptable formats.
The Journal. First published in 2010, DaTEAsia is the only academic journal in Hong Kong that focuses specifically on applied theatre/drama education. Articles undergo thorough peer review before publication. DaTEAsia has earned a respected position in the applied theatre/drama education world, especially in the Asian region.
For this issue, DaTEAsia brings together scholars and researchers from East Asia —and the world — to expand our collective landscape of applied theatre/drama education. DaTEAsia also promotes exchange and dialogue among global practitioners so that theory and practice develop together. DaTEAsia is a bilingual academic journal, with authors sharing their reflections and research in both Chinese and English.
This journal is published in print and online as an Open Access Journal. Open Source Academic Journals promote knowledge sharing and make academic research results equitably accessible to the public.
Guidelines for Contributions. Manuscripts in either English or Chinese should be submitted to by 31 OCTOBER 2024. Authors should follow the style and format of the 7th edition of The Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (APA). Please visit the website of DaTEAsia for further information:
Note that DaTEAsia is an academic journal dedicated to disseminating research. All submissions will undergo a blind peer review process.
For inquiries, please contact: Production Editor of DaTEAsia ( or Beth Murray (, IDEA Director of Publications.