Tag: Secondary School

Advance Teaching Methods and Materials for Performing Arts Junior High School Teacher Education in Taiwan: A Case Study (Chinese)|DaTEAsia Vol. 9

TEFO Resource Hub, TEFO Publications, Applied Theatre Theory, Journal of Drama and Theatre Education in Asia (DaTEAsia), Applied Theatre Forms, Drama Education|

The research purpose is to explore how to apply Rasaboxes into the junior high school performing arts teacher education and professional development to build a competence-based instruction module. Rasaboxes originates from the Indian performance theory, particularly emphasizing on body experience and emotion expression. Integrated with the Western Performance Studies and Drama Therapy, it has been applied into acting training, counseling, and education.

Students’ Perceptions of Collaborative Playwriting Projects Undertaken at a High School in Japan|DaTEAsia Vol. 8

TEFO Resource Hub, TEFO Publications, Applied Theatre Practice, Journal of Drama and Theatre Education in Asia (DaTEAsia), Applied Theatre Forms, Drama Education|

This paper explores the activity of collaborative playwriting for theatre performance as a mode of language learning within a task-based framework. It describes a quasi-experimental study in which a pair of similar but distinct playwriting theatre tasks was implemented in a first-year English oral communication course at a senior high school in Japan. This paper briefly discusses the background, rationale and design of the playwriting tasks. It then reviews relevant data obtained from post-task student feedback questionnaires. Despite the evident lack of theatrical experience amongst the student participants, their feedback was markedly positive. In addition, a number of students reported improvements in various areas of their language abilities. They also recognised the opportunities for learning that both the devising process and the performance outcomes afforded them.

Constructing Knowledge Together: A Reflective Practitioner Case Study on the Use of Ensemble Pedagogy to Shakespearean Text in a Y8 Drama Class | DaTEAsia Vol. 5

Applied Theatre Practice, Journal of Drama and Theatre Education in Asia (DaTEAsia), Applied Theatre Research|

Most research on the teaching of Shakespeare in school settings has focused on how active approaches can foster learners’ motivation and confidence. While this point is essential, the value of collaboration among learners remains a relatively neglected area of study despite its significance in determining the quality of the learning process. This article explores how ensemble-based learning can enable the process of knowledge construction through collaborative work among learners. In doing so, I designed and facilitated six drama lessons exploring Shakespeare’s Macbeth in a Y8 drama class in England as my pilot study. Adopting Vygotskian socio-cultural approaches to the development of knowledge and Jonothan Neelands’ principles of ensemble, the study draws on analysis of qualitative data. Overall, the preliminary findings suggest evidence to support the conclusions of previous studies that ensemble-based learning can (1) generate an “open space” which fosters an inclusive environment through mutual trust and collaboration among learners; (2) bring learners to the centre of collaborative sense making with teacher serving as a facilitator to support autonomous learning; and (3) create a stimulating dialogue through collaborative work and creative exploration.

Learning to Write Critically: Drama as Pedagogy and the Implications for Cultural Criticism|DaTEAsia Vol. 3

Journal of Drama and Theatre Education in Asia (DaTEAsia), Applied Theatre Theory, Applied Theatre Research|

This paper analyzes the role and use of drama in engaging students with the work of cultural criticism, as it is practised in the educational settings of critical writing under the Liberal Studies curriculum within Hong Kong senior secondary schools. Drawing on action research conducted at the site of a local secondary school, we explore the pedagogic potentials of dramatic intervention for the exercise of cultural analysis and critical writing in class, and examine students’ dialogic thinking, engagement and communication among themselves, and with their target readers outside of the classroom. By mediating the process of critical composition we review the multiple dimensions and uses of criticism in the pedagogic space opened for and through writing. At the end of this experimental study on the work of drama in cultural criticism as writing, we discuss the implications such pedagogy may have for critical writing education at schools.

The Study on the Relationship between Drama/ Theatre Education, Students’ Mental Health and Social Adaptation|DaTEAsia Vol. 1

Journal of Drama and Theatre Education in Asia (DaTEAsia), Drama Education, Applied Theatre Research|

The mental health condition of students has become a critical issue among the field of education. This paper aims to explore the relationship between drama/theatre education, students’ mental health and social adaptation. The result of a sample interview with 800 students from colleges, secondary and primary schools in Hangzhou tells us the more the students join drama activities, the less they suffer from social anxiety. In the inclination towards solitary, interpersonal sensitivity and impulsion, students who less participating in drama activities would have a stronger feeling of them, which means their mental health condition is more threatened. In college level, students who enjoy drama performances have a higher sense of happiness. Also, the coping styles vary among students who enjoy drama and those who don’t. People play dramas prefer to seek help when they meet problems rather than choosing an immature attitude to escape from difficulties. From the above result we can conclude, there is a close relationship between drama education, mental health and social adaptation. Drama education helps improving student’s mental health quality and adaptability. It is an effective way for the mental health education of students.

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